Mycorama Austria


Mycorama Austria

Přivezeme vám growkity s několika druhy hub, které si můžete pěstovat sami doma 😍 

Stačí k tomu malé místo, pravidelné zvlhčování a teplota podle návodu. V nabídce jsou různé zajímavé netradiční druhy, všechny jsou plné vysoce zdraví prospěšných látek od antioxidantů, po látky podporující kognitivní schopnosti a imunitu.

Cultivating mushrooms at home using a grow kit is a straightforward process. Ensure regular misting of the kit and maintain a standard room temperature that is shown on each bag for every type of mushroom to facilitate mushroom growth. Nevertheless, we advise thoroughly reading the complete guide to maximize the yield from your kit.

Cultivating a vision where ‘Fungi is the future,’ our organization is on a mission to bring mushrooms to the forefront of everyday life. In a world where mushrooms have been overlooked by many and misunderstood by some, we believe they hold the potential to unlock vital aspects of human health and contribute to the well-being of our planet. With our mycoramama mushroom grow bags, we empower individuals to embrace the power of fungi, nurturing not only their personal health but also contributing to a healthier, more sustainable world.


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